Performer and singer Annelie Koning (1992) studied at the ArtEZ Conservatory in Arnhem, earning a Bachelor’s in Jazz & Pop vocals (2017) and a Master’s in Theater in Maastricht (2024).

Her interest in improvised music led her to move to Amsterdam after her studies, where she played in various projects until 2019 when she formed her own band, BLIK, with Luc Ex on acoustic bass and Tristan Renfrow on drums. They created an album based on poems from Bukowski’s book Love is a Dog from Hell.
In 2018, she also became part of the collective King Sisters with her sisters Marthe and Joske Koning, where they create musical theater performances. Since 2024, they have been part of the Nieuwe Makers Regeling of the Fonds Podiumkunsten, and in March 2024, their fourth performance Close to Harmony premiered.
In theater, Annelie found space to tell stories—something she felt was missing in the jazz scene. This led her to study at the Master in Theater in Maastricht. She graduated in December 2023 with her first solo performance, De ruimte tussen ons, a ritual about our longing for togetherness in a place that is perfectly suited for it: a theater.

At the moment, she is working with Collectief King Sisters on ZING ONTBIJT, a participatory morning performance that will premiere at the O. Festival. She is also working on a new solo performance.

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Foto@Anna Perger

Annelie Koning